Are you an Apple Watch, iPhone, Apple TV user?

Bit off topic, but can you explain how you do that? I use mine on Windows and iPhone, but I have to disconnect from Windows manually in bluetooth settings before iphone picks up again. If I start playing on my iPhone while connected to Windows, it doesn’t switch to iPhone.

Basically using that same control - I have a shortcut to turn off bluetooth which drops the AirPods out and they auto-connect to the iPhone within a few seconds. Then use the shortcut to re-enable bluetooth on the Surface when I want to pull the AirPods back.

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Not covered:
iWatch, iPhone x2, iPad xN, MacBook Pro, Mac mini, AirPod Pro… Just do not see why AppleTV as the mini is connected to the TV…

i have iphone and ipad as well as airpods provided by my employer. apple just works and is super stable. great for business.

all these devices are open to any app so I could have TR on them.
but I struggle to use TR on them as I dont want any business related stuff around me during my training - we all know how this would end. So I push my TR sessions via the website/calendar as outdoor sessions to my Wahoo and complete these workouts either indoor on Rollers or aczually as real outdoor ride.

privately I use a customized naked Android without any Google Services and have relevant apps sideloaded as APK. I try to be as much offline and not-at-mobile-screen-staring as possible in my private life.