Am I the only one not bothered about Adaptive Training?

Like I said above, I’m only interested in the as a Software developer, and find TR very lacking in setting expectations of what a beta is, what is expected e.t.c

But I’d like to point out, that in 1hr 20 in the Announcing Adaptive training, all the things that you said are missing, were said by Nate to be in the “internal” version AT that he was using, and that his outside unstuctured workouts were being classified (and would be if you did 2*20 ~ SS and then stuck on 4 hours of endurance)

So (and I’ll keep to this feature only) 4 months and 2 days after this announcment, with so many people in the beta, why aren’t people beta testing this now, did this feature exist, did they have to pull it because it didn’t work, if the features were so early they didn’t know if they would work … why were they promising them (thats what you do when you announce), and it makes me feel this is more public alpha, rather then private beta

At the very beginning of the video they make a hard sell on “you will never have to do a ramp test again”, and TR will predict you FTP at different stages of the season, ok they don’t say when, but they are setting expectations of functionallity, and how it will work, which is why peole want to be in beta, people have a fear of missing out, and they were sold that they would be missing out on so much, when this goes live my first comment while be, “why doesn’t this take into acount sleep, resting hr, hrv data, menstral cycle and steps” like they talk about at 1:14 in the announcment video

I am a paying TR user, and interest to see what ML brings , but this was a marketing exercise to stop the critism they were getting about the DJ video (which it did very well),as once released this will make all he said irrelivant, there is a reason you don’t see public beta being announced so publiclly, part of the beta is does it work ? At the moment you are testing the bugs, not if it works, the acceptance criteria is that it improves your training and ftp increases at a faster rate than if you weren’t on AT, how can you do this if you are ingnoring adaptions because a feature that was promised to exist 4 months ago, isn’t part of the beta, and has it proven that people only doing internal workouts, have hit the (my) acceptance criteria

Oh and to answer the OP, I’m not bothered about AT (at the moment)