Aerobic Base Endurance. Importance of Zone 2

It seems to always fall back on “But Zone 2 is only for the pros, and since you don’t have 25 hours a week its better to just do Sweet Spot” when TrainerRoad discusses this…

And I do get that its their selling point to push people to use their product, which is focused around Sweet Spot.

But for someone like myself who constantly gets burned out, it bothers me that they push sweet spot as the go to for all athletes (give or take)…

I recently got a coach to see what I do wrong, and first thing he said is that he has had a lot of people coming from TrainerRoad burned out, because its too much intensity for a lot of people… (he also noted that it builds fast, but temporary fitness, but that’s another topic)

Now I am doing 6-7 ish hours of Zone 2 a week, and 1-2 hours of intensity, and it seems to be a much better balance.