Aerobic Base Endurance. Importance of Zone 2

I’m a traditional base cheerleader of late but this describes me well too. My comment recently has been SSB is for people in a hurry. If you have time and are willing to add a dedicated Z2 block to your training it is hard to imagine the result being anything but beneficial. Sweet spot is beneficial too, no question, but the amount you can do is limited and there are hundreds of posts on here about people burning out from sweet spot.

With traditional base, your FTP may not go up during the 4-8-12 weeks (or more) you dedicate to Z2 training, it is the months after that where you will see the biggest impact. A much broader aerobic base you can really build upon and break through barriers such as FTP plateaus. After doing a healthy dose of Z2 (several actually as I go back to it), my ability to do extended Sweet Spot was really improved.

I also have seen my ability to just cruise at Z2 for the same HR (80% of LTHR) really expand from a wattage standpoint.

Definitely a fan of Z2 and the pyramidal approach if you don’t tolerate sweet spot as well as you would like.
