Advice on training for 8 minute hill climb

I appreciate the constructive suggestions. In recent weeks I have achieved times of 8:02, 8:17 and 8:12 with average power outputs of 366, 349 and 363 watts respectively. Pacing is a big part of it. I paced best in that first attempt and it paid off. I think that’s as fast as I can go on my current fitness. I have been a rower in the past and I know how to go deep for 6-8 minutes. I feel if I can find that extra 10 watts I will be able to crack into the sevens.

@RobertK I like the idea of doing intervals at the goal power, gradually building up duration from 1 min to 2 and 3 with equal rest periods. So far I’ve done Baird and Bluebell fore the 1 min intervals and they feel good. Not sure how quickly I can ramp up to 2 and 3 min intervals without causing too much fatigue. They’ll be a ‘stretch’ on the TA algorithm so I’ll build them up.

@kurt.braeckel I like the idea of the anaerobic work. There are no ‘pinches’ on this climb - it is pretty much a steady grade. I can complete it spinning in the saddle at a comfortable cadence. But I think I will sprinkle those higher power intervals in as well.

Thanks for you advice and encouragement guys.

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