2024 Leadville Thread

This is my 3rd Vlog where I go through my nutrition stratagy as well as an update on how my training is going.

The Road to the Leadville Trail 100 MTB Race 2024 - Vlog 3


This is exactly what I was after. Thanks.

Is there a way you could make this data scalable with various weights, FTPs, etc? Seems like it could be a very helpful public spreadsheet.

I can’t think of any way short of spending many hours manually digging through data. My approach (good or bad) was very manual and just focused on riders of my weight/power, and target finish time. And I further reviewed each rider’s strava to find riders who executed a clean race with minimal stoppage. And I also threw out some riders where their power/weight vs. segment times looked wonky. It took a lot of time just looking for rides that met that narrow profile.

There might be a way to dump the data out of strava and athlinks to do some broader analysis. But even if you could, I found the data to be very messy and required quite a lot of manual interpretation and making choices about bad vs. good data points.

Another path you can look at is this site -

It tries to do some correlation between qualifier finish times and results at the leadville 100. I’ve found that it’s reasonably close, but again doesn’t tell you the story of how they executed each race. And it doesn’t really help with the pacing question without digging into results and power numbers of each athlete (if they uploaded to strava) and to see how they executed the races.

The problem with the “simple” approaches (even if you have rider weight and power data) is that it doesn’t tell the entire story if you are looking for a pacing strategy that’s right for you. Someone who finished in 8:45 with similar weight might have been on their way to a sub 8 finish and had a long mechanical or stomach issues. You would not want to use their segment times and power as targets. Even though there are bunch of riders doing this race, you end up with a small sample size once you start slicing/dicing the data to meet your criteria (which again makes it hard to get much from automated analysis).


Anyone need some additional perspective about the course?


Ima stare at this before sleeping every night.


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Tore my ACL skiing on Wednesday. Seeing ortho today, so I don’t have a firm plan so far. This is a re-tear so the recovery may be different this time around, but last time I was back on a bike in 6 weeks. I am hopeful that I will still be able to pull off Leadville, but I was hoping for sub 9 this year (so that I can hang it up). This injury is fresh off the heels of a broken hand; I rode outside for the first time in two months a week ago…


Oh man….sorry to hear that.

Heal quickly and fullly!!

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Sorry to hear. I tore my meniscus skiing right around this time of year in 2021 and was able to “recover” and go sub-9 that year but ACL is typically a bigger deal than meniscus.

I also say recover in quotations because it stayed a nagging injury and flared back up occasionally until I eventually got knee surgery the following winter. I was able to kick the can down the road that year, but may have been a bad idea.

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Vlog 4 of The Road to Leadville. Check out if my results have improved and my pacing strategy.


I think the Loophole Gods have finally acknowledged all of those burnt NeverSecond packet sacrifices. Noticed that the early registration for Lifetime members is now specifically designated as club-access membership.


Interesting, but that’s the lottery from last year for entry into 2024 event? So that means last year the app subscribers didn’t bypass the lottery? Or is this for 2024 lottery for 2025 even and they’ve just got a typo in the date?


I bet it’s going forward for the future and they’re just starting to update materials online. Let’s be honest, we knew this one was coming anyways. Too easy of a loophole.

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Can 100% confirm that last year’s app subscribers bypassed the lottery :sunglasses:


6 months of the app is $90 (I believe)
6 months of the LifeTime club (30 miles away) looks like 6 x $229.


Maybe opens up more regular lottery spots next year. I’d bet a lot of people got in this year using this method.

Leadville is like your high school crush…you work up the courage to ask them out only to have your heart crushed by heartless rejection. But you can buy their love with a crazy amount of money. But I will probably ask her out again…for the sixth year in a row.


Yep closest to me is 45 miles away, so that ain’t happening.

Well you can pay more.

(looks around awkwardly)



based on the performance of my Bont Vaypor G’s at Sea Otter when pushing up hill, I think maybe I might need a backup shoe with a bit more flex.
