1 yr to maximize ftp

I would say B) or some variation of it is your best bet. If you’re not racing I don’t think you need to do the Specialty plans. And if you just do an unmitigated diet of Build plans (option A) I think you’ll plateau, you need to do some Base work to build a bigger foundation and mix things up. A year is time for 2 full SSB1, SSB2, Build phases plus another 12 weeks, so you could try 2-3 different Build plans and see what works best for you.

I think your biggest challenge might be motivation, I know I would struggle to do a long period of structured indoor training without some kind of goal at the end of it (will happily train every day for a year without a race, but periods of that will just be training for fun and not following a plan). So unless you have a very high boredom threshold you should look at working in some variety which might mean more different plans rather than just repeating similar plans too much. And/or even if you don’t race maybe set some personal goals to go after. E.g. A long mountain climb (I assume you live near mountains if you ski every week) where you can go test yourself periodically. Might be a bit more satisfying creeping up the Strava rankings than just getting a number from an FTP test. Or a good local group ride where you can occasionally go and get a great workout and see how you measure up against other riders and are riding by feel not just power numbers.

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