Zone 2 Power vs Zone 2 HR (Should I increase power to move HR to Z2?)

Some coaches say yes, to trigger the correct adaptions. Ride 1/2 to HR and anything above to power (ignoring HR, unless you have a medical problem of course). Although with TR workouts myself I tend to use power all the time as their workouts tend to cross multiple zones. Only outside do I use HR alone, if I’m doing a pure Z1 recovery ride or I want to stay fresh for the next day (I tend to keep it below 75%MHR (approximately Z2 depending who’s zone you are looking at :wink:)).

As to your break I doubt it would have done any harm. I use carb drink and avoid gels unless its a race or an emergency pick me up but we are all different.

Number one rule for me, don’t over think it and just ride :wink:

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