Who's over 60 y/o and using TR?

That’s the big caveat to all of this. We’ve got a strong idea that both paths are good, but we don’t know for sure what’s best for each rider.

I’ve got some ideas on how to build this now and I think that we can constantly improve based on the choices/data that come from masters athletes that use this feature.

I also think this could be helpful for anyone that doesn’t recover the best. I remember I used to do a hard, aerobic, recovery three day block and that helped me be fresh enough for the hard days.

I also like the idea of breaking free of the 7 day cycle for people that aren’t slaves to the 5 day work week.

To set expectations for everyone you’ll see the thing amber is working on launch first before we dive into this. That feature will help you too, and you’ll know what it is because we think it’s a big deal :slight_smile:.

And keep the ideas coming! We’ll comb back through this thread multiple times while we improve support for masters athletes.