What is a coach anyway?

Welllll… I think I asked what a coach should be/do in the forum members minds… I also said I’d be willing to give more info on my specific experience if asked.

I won’t call them out, or the company. That’s inappropriate.

My current experiences that I’m not thrilled about:

I was scheduled for weekly calls, and I get weekly schedules.

I haven’t spoken on the phone in more than 2 weeks and more often than not I have to reach out asking if we are even doing calls anymore. This week I had to ask if I was even getting a schedule.

I asked the coach about the plan… what are we doing? It’s easier to work towards something when you know the plan… I still have yet to get one.

I’ve complete 6+ expert XC races and have received not one race recap.

Just the first couple of items on my mind.

What I am happy about:
My performance has gotten vastly better. Is it coach? Is it me? Hard to tell. I’m doing 2x the amount of riding or more than I ever have… of course I’m improving…

I haven’t gotten hurt! All that extra training, and not one injury! Nov-April I did on my own, April to now I used the coach. Still unsure it is the program or me…

Only one ftp test at the end of March. Not another one ever even though I’ve asked about it. My workouts are easy. Very easy. Even over/unders where I spend most time at threshold and vo2max. I don’t need those numbers for bragging rights, I want the checks to show improvement and put my zones in appropriate places. Not an explanation on why we are not testing and increasing numbers.

Does this help?

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