What Data Screens are your go to?

I keep my race screens minimal in terms of data, putting only things that I find useful there.

Tri race screen: 3s power, NP, distance. I like NP for keeping my overall pace consistent, and I usually break my long events up in “laps” by distance rather than time, depending on the course.

Road/Crit race: 3s power, time, speed, distance. I want speed so I can maintain consistent pulls at the front, time for crits so I have an idea of how long we have left and how many laps I can expect early on.

Workout: 3s power, time, lap time, lap avg power, TSS, HR, cadence, ride time.

Elevation page: 3s power, elev., total ascent, grade.

Map page and a couple of others with more meaningless data, but those are my main ones.