Use it or lose it -- Aging and Training

At age 42 I was invited to join my Local Weezers and Geezers Cycling Club…

Was that an eye opener as everyone older than me dropped me on the first ride!

Moral… Age is a number however… experience is priceless!

As I head off to 48 this year… now a Cat 4 from nothing… I thank everyone older than me in that group… and even the newest younger than me for teaching me greatest trick of all time…

Sit on the back and draft for as long as you can before the ride leader calls you out and says…

Set the Pace You Young Whipper Snapper!


Go catch that Break-Away Artist and Sit on his wheel!

Riding with a cycling team of veteran racers all over 40…

Chat, Giggle, Laugh and catch and pass everyone later when the direction points upwards!

Thus, go enjoy your ride with others! :wink: