Unbound Gravel 2021, Race / Ride

Second century in as many Saturdays. This was a supported charity ride…rode with a couple of guys from my local group for the first 36-38 miles, then kicked it back to a pace I could manage for the remainder…those two finished 7 min and 10 mins ahead, so they had to chill at some point as well. Tailwind and downhill false flats on the way out were some kickin headwinds, humid 90* temps, and uphill false flats/rollers on the way back. Still managed an NP of 210 for an IF of .79 even if I was mostly just hanging on for the last bit.

Recovery ride tomorrow.

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@Dhaulagiri I searched, but couldn’t find a (traced) version of the 100 mile route. I was curious to see a more accurate elevation number.

It looks like ~2500ft if any of these are accurate (which it seems like they may not be as the last one in the list shows ~4500 which seems more accurate)