UK users looking for a Lasko fan, check this out... Thanks to Hugo1!

Thinking of ordering one of these to Germany. I can wear headphones, but (once we’re in our new house and I have a proper paincave) I’d also like to be able to not have to while watching Netflix. How loud is this, assuming it’s close enough to reach the switch to change output without getting off the bike?

no louder than a normal fan in my experience

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Doubt it will be much louder than your bike and trainer if at all. It’s quieter than my (pretty large) normal fan.

Just ordered the Vacmaster for delivery to the Netherlands. Discount code still works.

Currently experiencing a heatwave and struggling hard with high intensity intervals. Hope this fan is a big improvement over my current standard fan.

I currently have 2 honeywell fans, which are great but not quite enough. I’ve just received my Lasko. It;s much louder than the Honeywell’s. Not massively loud but obviously shifting that amount of air it can’t do it completely quietly. It’s fine with earbuds in, you’d have to turn the TV volume up to completely drown out the noise. But no fan is going to be silent.

Also possibly related to plug outlet on top which allows you to piggyback one fan off of another.

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Yup, I should have mentioned that too.

So I’ve just ordered my 2nd one. Any suggestions on the best way to set up 2 fans for optimal cooling? The one I have now is on the floor in front of my left shoulder pointing up at my chest and head.

The manual says in block caps not to use the blower with an extension lead - that’s annoying! I’m not planning to run anything else off the fan, but still don’t want to blow things up!

My power supply is at the opposite end of the garage to where I have the bike, so I can only position it on the floor on my right-hand-side. I experimented today, and didn’t quite get the cooling I needed - albeit it was a VO2 sesh. Before an extended warm down, I placed it on top of a brick (it was stable but 2 bricks side-by-side would be ideal), and the cooling was much better. I think the 45° angle isn’t quite right for my height - the downside of being too tall I guess!

Just took delivery for the Hugo fan now. Good timing heh?

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I like one in front slightly off center and one straight from the back. You get nice cooling from behind when you ride rest intervals with straight back.

If you use a heavy gauge, short extension cord, you’ll be fine. The thing they are trying to protect against is people using long, thin extension cords, and then plugging a bunch of other things into the fan.

I run a 15amp lawnmower with a 50ft extension cord and everything’s fine. That’s a whole lot more load than a single fan.

Hope to get the fan back so I can actually use it for indoor training soon…



Also, they possibly want to avoid the possibility of someone using a long extension lead on a roll, but not unrolled if you see what I mean. A decent current through a big fat coil is a recipe for things hotting up.

I’ve used it on an extension lead for a year now.

I also have 3 other fans attached to the extension lead for myself and my partner, 2 each, it has worked fine.

Potentially it’s because you should unravel a extension lead completely before use? I’m speculating now.

Main reason on instruction not to use extension cable is power outlet. It is possible to connect some power hungry devices on that. I don’t see any problem using extension cord and even daisy chain two/ three fans. Fan itself is not really power hungy.

Vacmaster arrived yesterday and put to the test on Dicks -1. This was a HUGE improvement over my standard standing fan. The constant high airflow aimed at my torso made a big difference for RPE and HR.

Can 100% recommend :muscle:


Can you quantify the HR improvement?

Mine is on order and I’m really hoping SS becomes bearable! Haha.

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Really depends on the temperature and intensity, but probably up to 5 bpm. By far the biggest difference is in RPE. I’m someone that tends go get hot real quick and at temperatures of 25C and up my performance really starts to suffer. Hell, I use my trainer outside in freezing temperatures not wearing a shirt.

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Hi all! Hope you’re all staying safe :slight_smile:

Quick question to those who have the vacmaster. Do you use a standard fan along side it?
I am looking to up my cooling for indoor training.
I bought a bigger steel blade fan a few weeks ago and it made quite the improvement over my little desk fan, however I think there is more to be had.
I had to do a few trainer sessions a few weeks ago in the GF’s parents garage. It was pretty cold and I am only realising now when I look at the numbers and my RPE that cooling is paramount. (Duh… :rofl:)

Should I go for two Vacmasters (birthday is coming up) or 1 vanmaster in conjunction with the regular fan?

Thanks in advance,