Training for no races?

Take the opportunity to address the weakness.

SSBLV and MV plans have Vo2 Tuesday’s. I believe it ends with 6x3 min. After the first cycle just keep going but change the Vo2 day to keep increasing duration.

I would also stretch the long SST day. Instead of 3x20, do 2x45 and work your way up to 1 x 60, 75, 90.

There are plenty of workouts in the library to select from but if you need help any number of forum dwellers could assist.

If you cycle plans over and over that is fine but likely plateau, get bored and never really stretch those VO2 days or deepen the base. Might as well address some weaknesses and build a deeper base.

FWIW, I think a long period of time not focused on racing but building for future success is one of the best things a weekend warrior can do for themselves. Have fun!!

On edit - every now and then a 2-4 week short power block will mix it up and hit other parts of the power curve.

