Trainerroad getting called out on pricing and other criticisms

I think the biggest problem with your video is it didn’t even address the most important thing to 99% of us. Does it make you fast? Which app/training plan is going to yield the most on the bike performance improvements. And while you say you went trough a 1000 or whatever trainerroad users power files… it was just FTP tests, probably just because i suspect you are data mining for other purposes, and there was no signs of tracking FTP changes over time vs compliance to the plan. So, it was mostly a worthless review. Your review appeared to focus on just two aspects, price, and the “99% follow the same plan”, which is obviously disingenuous, for one, that one plan you were talking about is actually 3, with the different volumes, then its only one phase the three phase plan. So it’s not putting 99% of people on the same plan at all.

Instead of casting the blame on trainerroad for you getting so much hate on your video, maybe you should take an introspective look and realize that you made a bad video. You spent most of your time talking about TR talking about the “cons”, where as every other product you spent most of the time talking about the “pros”. Combined with the fact that you offered a sufferfest code and not TR code, certainly adds the appearance, whether true or false, that you had a bias.

In the end it was a worthless review IMHO because you made zero valid conclusions on what training app is the best foundation for improved performance. Which, as aforementioned, is what most of us really care about.