Threshold Progression

In complement to the philosophical conversation we’ve already started, my answer to this specific question would be that it’s great to ask for others’ advice as you’re doing to make a better choice. But whatever advice you get, make the best choice you can with the information available to you then move on and execute on that choice with all you’ve got.

In the end, whatever choice you make will have pros and cons. But you can live with the consequences easily as long as you know and remember that you’re not perfect, and you made the best choice you could under the circumstances.

Even if you’re “flat” for the races, you fight as hard as you can given your condition on that day and you can then be happy with the work/effort/care/thought you put into the whole enchilada.

How you place in the rankings really does not matter. What matters is that you put in your best, on all fronts, for that moment.

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