Threshold Progression

That’s a very fair point. Where I suggest a change is focusing on process over product. You’ve been in a bad mood because you’ve been sick, you haven’t been able to ride. Those are outcomes and you cannot fully control what happens in your life.

If/when you can convince yourself that you draw happiness from your EFFORT and CARE to train, ride, and race as well as you can, and NOT from the results that arise when those efforts meet outside realities, you will find it easier to…

  1. Try to prevent being sick because that’s in your control. Sleep, eat, rest, work, and play in a way that will complement or improve your ability to ride and race.

  2. Accept that shit happens when you get sick or injured – and you WILL get sick or injured at some point, obviously – and then do the best you can to recover and heal. Draw happiness from taking the best care of yourself possible, from minimizing the consequences of being sick, including from being patient and not rushing the recovery which can lead to a relapse and more problems.

And so on. Focus on what you control. Draw happiness from that. Accept the things you cannot change, fight hard for those things you CAN and be happy with how well you fight, not whether you win or lose any given bout.