The Doughnut is NOT Done!

Ha! I’m actually trying to put a plan together at this very moment!

This whole lockdown/shutout thing, as well as the time of year, has thrown a bit of a spanner in the usual works. I’ve got two months off to mess around but the weather right now is typical Spring-ish – chilly and damp and not something I want to spend 5hrs riding around in slowly. But, now that I’m acutely aware of the value and power of long Z2 rides, if the world is still messed up come May/June, I’ll def be transitioning to a large block of outdoor Trad Base.

What I’m thinking at the moment is 3 3-week cycles (2on/1off): i) SSMV, ii) SPBMV, iii) TBHV; all with 1 VO2max/on-week. Hopefully it’ll be more sunshiny by that third cycle and I can do long Z2 rides outside. If not…not sure. If not, then I might do a TempoHV indoor third cycle. :man_shrugging:

That’s also the beauty of having no races/deadlines, I can switch things up on the fly and do whatever I feel like – with no regrets or guilt! :smile: