Tacx Neo 2T re: Cycling Dynamics, Garmin and TrainerRoad

Wow the one and only dcrainmaker! Thanks for your reply, I’m a big fan. The folks at Garmin must not be aware either because their engineering department has been looking this over and ‘still working on it’. They’ve told me it’s the head unit (Edge 820) but that doesn’t make sense to me. I also have an SRM PC8 and tried cycling dynamics through that head unit, and it also only shows balance and nothing as ‘promised’. I read online that the latest firmware provided it (.34) and Garmin even asked me to confirm I’m on that firmware.

dcrainmaker thanks for the heads up. I was actually arranging to return the 2T as I thought it was a defective unit. At least this way I can be disappointed with just that feature, but having been on Kickr’s up until this time, the 2T is clearly superior, at least from my point-of-view and for several reasons.

Thanks for everything you do for cycling and thanks especially for responding to my little post!