Tacx Neo 2T re: Cycling Dynamics, Garmin and TrainerRoad

I have a Neo 2T and an Edge 1030. I run TR via BLE on an Android tablet. I dual record in that TR captures the power and cadence from the Neo, and HR from my Garmin Tri HRM; my edge 1030 captures power, speed, cadence from Neo 2T via Ant+ and HR from my strap. I capture L/R balance, as the Neo 2T broadcasts this (within the either the power or cadence data stream, I presume). There is no other cycling dynamics as the rest require Vector/Rally pedals (or equivalent non-Garmin).

It is worth noting that L/R balance is computed via the cadence sensor on one-side only, so it isn’t going to be as accurate as dual-sided pedals. I capture it and look at it post-ride, but don’t bother displaying it on the head-unit data screens - indoors I mainly look at power, cadence, and HR zones and graph.

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