Sweetspot much harder than VO2

That’s what I am trying now. I have (I think) learn a lot reading this forum, so I know better how to modify my plans to put more emphasis on my weaknesses. I know that lack of any base is also determined by the fact I am a cycling noob and I cannot be good at it - this is a long term game :slight_smile: being a little bit time constrained I cannot do full TB (what will be probably the best solution) so I am trying to focus on progression into longer efforts.

Even after 4 months of training I see that despite being more of a “climber” weight my muscles are good in shorter efforts and I do not have any problem in progression in this aspect so I know that can be easier build in the future than muscle endurance and ability to hold power for more than 30 min. That’s why I am trying to incorporate more of these efforts into my plan.