Sweet Spot Progression

Just wanted to give a big thank you to all the folks who contributed to this thread! I’ve been doing alot of bigger sweetspot rides this winter and have made huge gains. AI FTP had me at 320W at the end of 2023 (with a peak of 340W in Aug but overstated IMO because I couldn’t get through a 2x20). Now, AI FTP has me at 360W, I recently comfortably did a 2x20 @ 360W and just completed 3x40 @ 325W (90%).

The general advice seems to be build out your TTE then do a VO2 max block if you have the time before your events. My A event is VT Grand Fondo at the end of June, but I have 3 events over 4 weekends (with the first in 2 weeks). With timing of work stuff, this ended up being a rest week. My next events are hilly gravel fondos in the 40-75 mile range.

What would you do for the next few weeks? My event on 4/20 is a 50 mile gravel ride and only C priority. I kinda want to see if I can average 300W for 3 hours…any harm in another big sweetspot ride next Sat (maybe 3x45 or something?).

Thanks all!!