Sweet Spot Base Mid-Volume 2

Hi Fellow masters… well 56 pushing 57.
I have over the last year been reading a lot and using TR platform for my training and seen great improvements, on the MV plans but i found i was doing only 4 rides. I read the Joe Friel book Faster after 50 and it does indicate that we do not recover as well as younger riders. We may need to moving to an 8 or 9 day plan. Not so good if we work on a seven day plan and have our long rides planned at the weekend, but need to work around that.

I have now switched out some sweetspot rides to Long Tempo rides (2 1/2 hours at 75-80% FTP) and am back to 5 days a week. I am fueling on the indoor rides with 2:1 High Branched cyclic dextrin and Fructose that does seem to help with my recovery, i have also added some dates post exercise and a protein shake too.

I think TR designed for racing even Grand Fondo plans stick in lots of Sweetspot/ Threshold and Over unders when all i want is to be able to finish a 400Km event

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