Sweet spot base mid volume 2, why so much threshold?

TR has repeatedly said that the titles of these plans are misleading, but they have also repeatedly chosen not to update the titles.

n literally is 1 here as I wrap up my first trip through SSB MV2. A week or two in I didnā€™t think there was any way I could finish, but AT and a lot of focus has me wrapping it up feeling actually better in week 5 than weeks 3-4 and also hitting a number of all time power records. That said, I canā€™t imagine I would repeat this again. The vo2 workouts are of a style that I donā€™t find particularly challenging, but 2.5 hours of threshold a week is too much physically and mentally I think. Especially this early in the season.

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As a TrainerRoad user since 2014, I can tell you, I do a much slower progression than AT suggests.

For example, Iā€™ll go from SS with a PL of 4.3, to a PL of 4.6 or soā€¦not 5.1.

At 52 years of age, this works for me, and I donā€™t overcook myself and see progress.


Gym on your bike days in the evening. Still space for three days of z2 and two full days of rest. The issue is lifting heavy one day and then expecting to be able to do a 90min over under session the next day. Iā€™ve got years of training in me and I canā€™t get quality on the bike the day after heavy squats (for me about 1.5-1.8xbodyweight).