Supersapiens - continuous blood glucose monitoring

I’m a little cynical of that SS press release…seems to me to be an attempt to divert attention away from the issue by talking about “women’s health” and the “uncomfortable” of menstrual cycles.

Let me clarify - I am not dismissing the idea of better study and understanding, and more importantly support, of women’s health. I absolutely do not subscribe to the idea that what works for men should also work for women, just “with less”.

But, in this case, if any athlete (male or female) needs to have their glucose monitored so closely that they can’t go 4 hours without seeing it, there are likely bigger health issues at play.

Moreover, if SS believed, based on data, prior to the event that there was a need for women to monitor their glucose levels that closely during their menstrual cycles, they should have raised it to the UCI long before this and laid out a case for why female cyclists should be allowed to use CGM in competition.