Stopping using a coach

I worked with a coach for about 2 years, until this spring. It was a hugely positive experience but ultimately had run its course. We parted on great terms and I’d recommend him to anybody. The main things I’ve learned from the process:

  • It felt weird at first having nobody to be accountable to and nobody directing the training. However, keeping a good written diary has really helped.
  • There is far more adjustment in my planning than I thought. Previously I just rolled along with the plan not appreciating how much it needed to be tweaked week to week to take account of fatigue, etc.
  • It’s far, far easier to plan holistically around life when you’re managing your own training. Trying to explain the nuances of my routine and how it changes by email or phone was a nightmare!
  • The saving in money is nice!

I’d say that coaching is awesome, especially for those at the very top of the sport or newcomers, but as an average Joe with access to TR and an inquisitive mind, I’ve been able to successfully self coach. Good luck!