Speed data for outdoor rides synced from Garmin Connect

Couldn’t see this documented elsewhere … I sync my outdoor rides (without power) from Garmin Connect into TR, but none of the Speed data comes over - is that expected? The chart for the ride has Elevation and Speed in the legend, but there’s no data for speed.

(Doh! You need to click ‘Speed’ in the legend to switch it on …)

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Yup, you found it.

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Yep … but it wasn’t very obvious. If my trace only has Elevation and Speed, why switch one on by default and not the other?

For whatever reason, TrainerRoad has de-emphasized speed. To my eyes, that makes it easier to see trends in power, heart rate, and cadence. Not defending that decision, just an observation. Would be nice if it was configurable - I have a lot of flat rides and and would love to have Elevation disabled as my default.

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