Sodium vs chloride

The chloride load can be an issue and is something that Skratch Labs attempts to address with the mix, but also discussed by Coach Chad on prior podcasts. The other benefit is that citrate can act as a buffer and is metabolized in the liver to bicarbonate, which may provide some additional benefits.

When you look at Skratch’s ingredients on their Sports Hydration mix, they use all citrate bound electrolytes including sodium citrate, calcium citrate, and potassium citrate. Potassium citrate in particular has been shown to raise urinary pH. There is also some additional citric acid added as well which is simply citrate.

There are labs that will do sweat testing for you to determine your exact composition which may help with re-hydration strategies.

Personally I’ve found Skratch labs works really well for me in most conditions. On really hot days or long events I do supplement with Hammer Endurlytes Extreme which is primarily sodium chloride based. This has worked well for me but everyone is individual.

It will be interesting to hear how @Jonathan strategy evolves during the year. He has been a proponent of Maurten as an in bottle fuel source. It is sodium chloride based (also has some sodium alginate, which is the gel emulsifier in it), but no other electrolytes or citrate. Jonathan mentioned possibly taking some “salt tabs” in addition, but will be interesting to hear what he comes up with for longer rides such as Leadville.

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