Seller’s 9-day cycle

How does it look on a calendar? Personally, I’m intrigued by keeping a 7-day block (for easy scheduling), but structuring it like this.

M: Hard (4x8 min Supra-Threshold, 1 hr)
T: LSD (2.5-3 HR Z2)
W: EZ (75-90-min Z2)
F: Hard (vO2 max, 1 hr)
S: LSD (2.5-3 HR Z2)

Total HR: 9.5 (realistically could be 8-10hr). What I like about this is that I have 3-4 nights of rest between my two high-intensity days. It lets me be a normal human on the weekends.

Curious to see an actual calendar from some folks who are doing 8 or 9 or 10-day cycles. This would be something like what I’d plan on a 2x 9-day cycle. Lots of saddle time.