Privacy Concerns

Right. And I’m here telling you I did NOT give them permission. So who here between me and you is more correct about whether I have consented or not, hrmm?

This is just concern trolling of the nth degree at this point.


Cool story - no one can help you if you refuse to accept reality.


Dylan, is it you?!?! :joy:


Have you contacted TR?

I am interested in there response

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I think the major disconnect here is just a lack of accountability. Someone claims they did not give permission because they didn’t realize they gave permission because they didn’t read what they agreed to, then realizing their argument is invalid claims the entire process of a company having terms and conditions is somehow unethical.

The IDEA that a person should not have any responsibility because of willful ignorance seems quite astonishing, and continually beating the dead horse just keeps this stinky mess going. Let’s all let the horse die peacefully :pray:

PS: I’m following the rules


So I am wondering if you should eat more carbs at luch or at dinner…I mostly workout in the evening? Example salad or lasagna?

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Because you weren’t given the opportunity to consent?

Even if you were not fully aware of how Trainerroad works when you first signed in, you must have realized that they do in fact store your workouts after you completed your first workout and logged into and saw it there, right?

It’s generally assumed that the user realizes that services that provide online ride analyses, calendars, etc have to store the data on the servers for the service to work.

For the record, I wouldn’t mind online services being a bit more open about what exactly gets stored and how it is used, but I don’t think Trainerroad is at least intentionally trying to hide the fact that they collect data here…

Legal opinion in most countries says that a customer presented with terms of service, given the opportunity to read them, and asked to confirm such terms have been reviewed and accepted, is bound by the contract thus created, and that ignorance or refusal of the thus-accepted terms is not sufficient grounds for the contract to be invalidated.

Which explains why 99,9% of apps use this TOS acceptance mechanism.


Imo @anon67840561 if you’re truly concerned with having given TR access to your consented data you have the right to remove yourself from TR and no longer provide them the data that by using the platform at this time you consent to provide them.

You could also make a feature request for there to be a toggle to share or not share your data with the larger TR data set

A lot of good things have come as a result of the TR data set. Ramp Test, Mary Austin being subbed with a minus version in plans, changing low compliance workouts, Adaptive Training.

If you still feel like it is so ethically wrong go get a private coach. I heard this guy named Dylan Johnson is pretty popular these days and I’m sure you could work an agreement for data privacy with your coach


All the carbs all the time morning, noon and night

I would bet such a coach would use TrainingPeaks or similar to transfer workouts, plans and results, creating exactly the same issue the OP raised.

I assume you mean pizza as the main souce of carbs?

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For the public record I did not stalk you. I opened your public TR page which was linked to your public Strava page. At no point did I make any attempts outside of these two services to track down your name or location, nor did I post it anywhere. And I did the above to protect my own privacy seeing how the thread was going. My only mistake was fat fingering and hitting follow before I could block you as intended

You on the other hand posted my info which WAS private, to the public here including my name and location, and then made more than a handful of attempts to assassinate my character by labeling ME a stalker or a danger

Lastly I was speaking to the general forum, not directly to you with my last post :+1:t4:


Getting a coach to agree to a lobotomy each time after looking at your data would be pretty tough I think.


I mean you could send them hand traced copies of the data and provide general numbers for the intervals…


By fax.

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Are there any viable carbs besides pizza? Maybe beer?

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The phone company has a record of the fax. Needs to be by dead drop behind the bike shop trash can.