Physiological Zones Question

Been doing some lactate reading…cuz I like rabbit holes…?

Narrowing in on my perceived “problem” of weak Threshold/Over-Under work – it’s not hitting power levels which destroys me, it’s the lactic acid, esp. the repeated first 30 seconds of over–>under.

I’m ok on lactate tolerance but horrible on lactate clearance.
(But is it a matter of blood clearance and/or muscle clearance?!)

Several contributing factors include:

  1. I have barely any long slow endurance/Z2 training which increases the capillaries, leading to an increase in clearance (as well as a decrease in production(?)). It also develops mitochondria (aka oxygen utilization).
  2. I am barely, if at all, fat adapted = more pyruvate production → more lactate production.
    (again, result of very little long slow endurance/Z2 training)
  3. I have naturally low iron levels which could mean I have a lower count of red blood cell (oxygen utilization).
  4. I’ve trained mostly my anaerobic capacity → lower lactate threshold.
    (result of the past few years riding single speed: short, sharp bursts @ 120-150% FTP)

I can now see clearly why long time professional racers can ride at a high percentage of their VO2max, it’s all the years (10+) spent doing Z2 training.

Do more Z2 training and less Z6 efforts.

Do more Threshold/O-U training.

Increase MCT1 (w/ Z7 intervals?).

Take iron supplements.
