Percentage of your weekly hours to Z2 or other intensities?

LV of traditional base III has 3 workouts of 2.5 hours each? That doesn’t sound right. And why do you want to avoid tempo and SS?

Before AT the traditional base progression was essentially:

  • base I of endurance rides
  • base II swapped out (some/all?) endurance rides for tempo rides
  • base III swapped out (some/all?) tempo rides for sweet spot rides (and maybe threshold? I forgot)

Not sure what you are trying to do, except for the part about averaging 6 hours per week for all of 2023.

I feel like a lot of the discussion has been 80% Z2 avoid the middle stuff and do 20% really hard stuff like Z5-6. Tempo and SS would be the in between stuff wouldn’t it?

Yeah for Block III of LV Trad Base for me its Threshold, SS, SS, Tempo, 4 workouts per week. All Z3 to Z4.

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Can you also answer the time question? If I’m following you are saying the LV plan that TR has given includes 4 workouts per week, and each is 2.5 hours. That’s a total of 10 hours and not LV. Thanks in advance for answering that, and with that additional info I’ll give you my thoughts.

TBLV 2 has 1 sweet spot, 1 tempo and 1 endurance with average 4-5 hours
TBLV3 has 1 threshold, 2 sweet spot and 1 tempo up to 5.5 hours.
TBMV2 is 1 sweet spot, 2 tempo and 1 endurance ride
TBMV3 is 1 threshold, 2 sweet spot and 2 endurance days. Those plans are 6-9 hours each week.

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No just the tempo workouts are 2.5 hours, they aren’t super high IF so maybe okay?

My current plan was to add Homers Nose -1 to the 1st and second week to get 6.5 hours, for the 3rd week add Bald -1 to get 6.5 hours, for the final week swap Petit to Gibbs -1, swap Mont Albert -1 to Lazy Mountain +1 and swap Mont Gosford -1 to Gibbs -1 for a total of 6 hours.

My thing with the 2.5 hour tempo workouts was people seem to suggest keep it 80% Z2 and 20% Z4 or higher, no Z3 (tempo).


Thanks, I only recall doing TB 1 and TB 2 in mid volume.

I think it helps to think about your goals - is hours per week the number one priority? Potentially at the expense of picking easier alternates to the TR plans?

TR is managing your progression while following a plan. So the ‘best of both worlds’ question becomes how to add volume without compromising the upcoming workouts. From where I sit, the two options are:

  • keeping the 4 days of TB III LV as-is and adding time to workouts
  • adding a workout day and figuring out the best “pattern” without compromising upcoming workouts

If you add a day, one common pattern is

  • Off / 3 days / Off / 2 days

And for the 3 days one option is intervals/endurance/intervals. A best practice is to put your hardest workouts after rest day.

Just a few thoughts, and don’t forget about TrainNow!

Yeah didn’t really think of that but I suppose I could add 15 mins to each of the 4 workouts and get my extra hour in instead of adding an additional 1 hour endurance workout. Guess it would depend how I feel from the previous work and how much time I have.

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the real challenge is figuring out what works for you. The screenshot of TB III LV that you shared would likely have me keeping the 3 rest days and adding time. FWIW I found the idea of ‘listening to my body’ and focusing on recovery, nutrition, and freshness to be strange ideas versus say, tackling intervals or hard group rides. It only took me a couple years to figure it out :joy: but now I can see pushing from 400 hours in 2022 to 450 hours in 2023.

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Yeah, I did really cut back on group rides last year, which kind of sucked but probably for the good of my fitness, also raced 14 times over a 26 week race season (including Sat/Sun CX races) which would have had an effect on my training but is also the reason for it but thats ~10 weeks over the course of the season where I was only doing 2 structured workouts a week.
Main process goal is that weekly 6 hours of structured training per week… Might be tough to make that work in race season when the plan will drop me to 2 workouts every race week, even if I add a 3 hour Z2 workout every week will need to add 30 mins to each of the 2 ‘intensity workouts’.

Should get me well above 300 hours for the year though with outdoor riding and racing included.

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Well, you are already well ahead of me in the watts/kg department! When I did my first FTP test at 181w, I weighed 90kg, so just barely 2 w/kg. And now I am 84-85kg, so 316w is still just around 3.73 w/kg. I don’t think I can lose much more weight without dropping lean mass, which I am trying to avoid doing (older people should hold onto as much muscle as they can—as Peter Attia likes to say, no 90-year-old in the history of the world has ever wished they had less muscle). So any gains in the w/kg dept for me will probably have to come from more watts. I don’t know what the limit is, but I will try to get there :smiley:

As for your getting to 300w, that would put you at 5.3 w/kg which is pretty insane on six hours a week. Maybe it’s possible, but a multi-year process.

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