Outdoor aero testing in FL, GA, SC or NC. NOT wind tunnel

No clue. Just what I found. Not sure the tech is really ready yet to do outdoor testing well yet.
Not out yet:

Sure someone who has more experience with the devices can use them better but might not be good enough yet. Sensitivity needs to be high as they may easily pick up that upright is less aero then in the so bars if you’re tweaking position you need to pick up on small differences.

So if you can’t measure your drag, what are you doing? Getting an expert to judge based on looks. They can do that on a trainer. Want to make sure you stay in the right position? Get something that can measure your position on the trainer and outdoors to make sure you stay the same. (A leomo device can do that) why go far away where it’s hard to do a follow-up?

I’m no expert, just my thoughts

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