Optimized Recovery, Powerlifters Gone Cyclist, Fueling Rides and More – Ask a Cycling Coach 256

Like @MI-XC, I haven’t done any explicit testing as 95% of my riding is indoors with TR. My peak is just under 1000 watts, but that was last August, before TR. I’d guess my 5 second power could be in the range of 1200 or so, but I should get out and test that snap because I really have no idea. I also don’t know what’s good “peak power” for my weight (155 lbs, 70 kg), so maybe it needs some attention? With the lifting background I’m thinking it wouldn’t take too much work to bump that up a fair bit.

My max’s were Squat: 435, Bench: 275, DL: 475 @ 162 lbs, nothing very impressive and my upper body as always lagged behind … I guess maybe I was always meant to be a cyclist?? Now I’m just doing relatively light 5x5, once a week.

@DustinDucote I think a 300 FTP is a great goal to have, mine is actually the same. One thing I’d recommend is to greatly reduce your lifting volume, if you haven’t already, and channel your inner Nate and fuel those rides! I wouldn’t bother with a VO2 test, but that’s just me. I love numbers and tracking progress/results, but VO2 seems like a waste of time. I do track weight daily, calories/macros (weigh everything), and I have a BF scale and get hydrostatic BF tests every ~6 months.

I’ve done exactly the same, except I got my bike last June and starting lifting again in February. Tons of reading though and I’m all about cycling. That sounds like that major difference for @DustinDucote. There’s nothing wrong with splitting your time and focus between strength and endurance, just realize you won’t excel at either. But if you enjoy both, keep at it! Regardless you’re going to be more fit than 99% of people out there!!
