Older Guys Can Ya Give Me Some Input?

As soon as its in the 70s Im without a shirt plenty. Live not very far from the lake. Sail and windsurf along with cycling. I am constantly getting grief from the wife about skin cancer. (Had to do the chemo on the face and scalp last winter…not fun). Really think Vitamin D deficiency will go away as the weather warms but will test for it. I lift quite a bit at work. I work in a meat dept. Boxes weigh 10 to 85lbs. 3 to 4000 lbs a day. Most of it is upper body and core. I have always been moody when the sun goes behind the clouds for days. I know I gotta have it. Maybe something instinctual. I really only could lose 10lbs and it would be really hard. I used to weigh 190 and now @ 173. Im only 5 7 but built like a linebacker. I have been doing my research on Test and really the two issues are centered around elevating cholesteral and prostate cancer. Having low Test doesnt cause the prostate cancer but low levels of test means low level of growth. A decided benefit. If you are taking test to achieve a normal number, the cancer growth would be the same with the natural t levels. The lipids could be tested for and kept in check with diet. Right now those levels are good.