Older Guys Can Ya Give Me Some Input?

FWIW I also have low T and know what your going thru…point blank it sucks without treatment. It’s good that your doing research before jumping right into something like TRT as there could be other factors like stress and over training driving your T into the toilet. Luckily for us endurance sports are known to lower T levels, so we got that going for us. You might want to consider getting off the bike for several months and hitting the weights hard. Lifting heavy is known to increase T production and might just do the trick. Also be sure to find a doctor that specializes in this stuff, don’t go to a GP for this. At a minimum to see and endo, preferable one that specializes in the reproductive system. Any good doctor should also order an MRI of your pituitary before starting you on any HRT.

The low T levels you stated are total T and are not really relevant, free T is where it’s at. It is actually possible to have low total T and normal Free T is you have low SHBB (which I happen to have). This low SHBG made my first few months on TRT interesting. My levels were thru the roof before we dramatically lowered my dosage and switched to injections 3 times per week. For the past year I have been off injections and switched over to an off lable drug called chlomid. It is a female fertility drugs and in men it stimulates the pituitary glad to release LH and signal the testicles to make T. This is much better than injections IMO but this treatment is not for everyone.