Night shift workers and training

Touched upon this on episode 181 but only scraped the surface. It is very hard for me to get a full 8hrs of sleep while working nights. I typically get home around 7am, sleep from 7a-12p, smash some workouts, eat, and try to sleep for as long as possible before getting ready around 5pm for my 6pm night shift. One of the biggest things I have found outside of the importance of the sleep schedule while working nights is the importance of getting nutrition in. I personally do not have the biggest of appetites in the middle of the night. I make sure I eat some substantial calories every 3-4hrs and try to consume at least 1-1.5L of water throughout the night and space it out as evenly as possible. Trying to tackle the demands of training sleep deprived but also at a caloric deficit is a losing battle. Hope that helps.