Multiple Races close to A race - Plan builder

Thanks, yes listening to my body will be number one Priority.

I’m currently doing the Low Volume plans + 2x30 min commutes 5 days a week + something at the weekend (this will vary from Nothing to 1 hour sweet spot to 3 hour club ride etc)

Last year I didn’t follow trainer road but was coached and averaged 570TSS /week between Jan and October, so this year will be a drop in Volume to what I am used to. The TSS from Interval sessions is broadly the same, what I’m loosing is 3-5 hours a week of Zone2.

I’m also only planning on racing 10-15 races this year, VS 30 last year.

The Road races (Including the A race) are 2-2.5 hours long so the Fatigue from the race shouldn’t be too great. But as you say I will monitor it.

During the weeks I want to try and maintain fitness I could do many of the shorter taper workouts during my commute reducing volume even more.

As I have mentioned a baby a few times, I thought I’d note, I’m also ready to throw the whole lot in the bin if sleep becomes a big problem, Currently 6 weeks in and still getting 6-8 hours a night.