Massively Tight Hip Flexors When I Started On the Trainer

Just started to train again after 7 years of no exercise. I’ve been commuting 10-15min, 25-30 there and back, for the last 4 months. I’m also 40lbs heavier than I was previously but still relatively flexible.

I just started indoor riding and holy… It’s so much different than outside. My first workout I started to get right hip flexor pain up in my groin that started to flare down lower on the muscle.

Today I did a recovery ride and it flared up again after the first short 30second sprint towards the end of the ride. But today I had risen the front wheel about 1.5" maybe 2. It felt better than yesterday but still not enough to relieve the discomfort compared to outside. I cannot stay on the hoods long at all indoors and feel most comfortable on the horizontal part of the bar. I spend all my time on the hoods outdoors just fine.

Had done a few moderate/hard effort rides outside and never had this problem. The one thing that has gone away indoors is my toes getting numb, as well as virtually not lateral knee movement. My ass also hangs off the back of the seat a few inches compared to outside.

I’m desperate for a solution because I really would like to do my ramp test and get into a base plan… I’m supposed to be seeing a fitter soon and waiting for them to get back to me. Any fit recommendations?

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