Low Volume Build - Weekend Rides

I do the LV plans but move the workouts forward one day so they are Monday, Wednesday & Friday. That gives me the weekends to “freestyle” things outdoors if the weather’s fine (currently here in the UK we are in a run of storms that seem to coincide with the weekends :roll_eyes:) .

The outdoor rides can be anything that I feel add to the indoor workouts, whether that’s a five hour Z1/2 road ride out to a café and back or bike handling skills on the MTB.

I find that using the TSS estimator for outdoor rides (no power meters on the winter bike or MTBs) gives inflated figures, i.e. a ride that is basically Pettit or easier gets a TSS of 100 rather than say 50 which is more how it actually feels. It’s one of those things you just have to figure out for yourself, I’m fine with long steady rides and have had a lifetime of physical activity and/or physical jobs so I know pretty well what I can cope with.