Kickr Bike V1, long term reviews?

Follow up to my last post. I contact Wahoo support. They wanted some pictures of the connectors at the end of the cables to ensure they weren’t dirty and therefore not connecting. I knew this wasn’t the problem as the bike is in pristine condition, but obliged and went to take the pictures. At the same time I unplugged the bike again. I had unplugged it previously to see if this would fix the connection issue but it hadn’t.

Well after plugging the shifters back in and plugging the bike back in, all of a sudden the tilt controls starting working again and everything seems back to “normal”. I email Wahoo and let them know.

I will monitor moving forward but it seems this is some sort of a software/firmware glitch. The problem started after I had completed a Wahoo SYSTM workout (Nine Hammers) where I was doing some of the intervals in “resistance” mode but then flipping back to ERG. I had no issues during that workout but when I went to use TR in the following days the shifters were not working.

We’ll see if this happens again or not.