Is teams functionality being removed?

I was excited when I discoved the pre-built SS workouts that grow in length rather intensity, which suits me well, I joined a couple of groups but now I can only see the teams in the workout selector … not the left hand menu bar …

Still present for me (Windows 11, Chrome):

Here my entire left

I will tag @ZackeryWeimer & @eddiegrinwald to see what they can tell us.


Cheers, it’s no big as I am in the Teams that I want to be in for now , mainly worried that the More Sweet Spot team would disappear just after I found it :slight_smile:

Thanks for you help

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It should still be there – I’ll check in with the team to see what might be happening with your menu display.


Just FYI I am using firefox, but have checked in Edge

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Alrighty, got an update on this one:

Teams is an older TR feature that wasn’t used as much as anticipated, so it has been phased out. If you created your account after 01/01/2022, the Teams tab won’t appear on your TR webpage.

The good news is that it still does exist! You can find it by clicking on this link, and then we’d recommend bookmarking the page for your convenience.