Hr zones vs TR Workout type

I recommend this too. 30-45 minute steady output is a great way to find your threshold hr, “calibrate” your rpe at threshold power and see if your current FTP is set correctly. On top of that, it’s also a good workout.

If done correctly your hr raises gradually to the threshold value in ~10 minutes or so, stays in the threshold range and towards exhaustion starts slowly creeping up again. After the test, check the flat part of the hr curve and find out the average of that part. This should be very close to your threshold hr.

I’d also recommend doing this test as you’d do your normal hard workout: no tapering / rest week beforehand, no insane caffeine boost and in normal training temperature with good hydration. All of these will raise your hr relative to day-to-day training conditions.

  • As a sidenote, many people don’t really know what it feels like to ride at steady threshold power for extended period of time. Your threshold power / FTP varies day to day, so it’s easy to overdo threshold workouts based on previous workout(s) thinking “I did X workout last week so I must ride at the same power today” even if you’re having a slightly bad day and your threshold is down a few watts. This easily leads to excessive fatigue and therefore to more bad days in future. Knowing what it feels like to ride at threshold will help to scale intensity up or down accordingly and nail those workouts.

During the final minute of your ramp test were you wheezing and gasping for air and literally felt like dying or did you think you could hold out a bit more except that your legs gave up?

If the former, you were probably pretty close to your maximum heart rate if the later not

My legs gave up, but I was pretty out of breath as well. Had a look now at that workout, and see in the last minute i was actually at 197 heart rate.

Agreed this is a good idea.

I’d do 30 minutes at 100% FTP and take the HR of the last 20 minutes as approx LTHR.

Nothing to lose and as you say it is a good workout. Also if you cant do 30 minutes at FTP at all or without destroying yourself then it confirms aiFTP is overstated. 30 minutes might be challenging and uncomfortable but not pick me up off the floor hard.

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Your maximum heart rate is probably at least 200, out of breath you are after a 3-4 minute VO2 max interval, the feeling like you are dying is different, like it literally feels like you are dying