How much TSS/Week can you handle and how can we raise our sustainable limit?

To clarify for Running uses heart rate but for my cycling is all based on power as well as wearing a HRM too. I set those power zones in TP based on FTP tests (usually use the ramp test on trainer road) the TSS usually copies exactly across from TR calcs which are based on all up to date stats. Heart rate zones were calculated around two months back but need to revisit them as they are lower now. My rTSS average 11-12 a mile. Most of my work on the bike is sweet spot blocks of 16-30 minutes. I do sometimes do 1hr sets but mostly 2:30-4h sessions. My power zones are based on FTP via ramp tests. Last week I did around 15hrs on the bike, 100 miles running, 16km of swimming and 3hrs of strength work. I’m aware of the guide in training peaks for high and low guidelines but it’s for an ironman where it tops out. It’s a bit of a niche position as there isn’t a guide for continuous Deca. My regular running schedule would be 100 miles a week historically when solely doing that but has peaked at 250 miles in a week in March this year. I’ve increased my bike time the last couple of months. Will have a look at the zones for running though as they do need tweaking again but even so historically I’ve had very high TTS loads and performed best on high volume. I was just trying to figure out what posts I could find discussing tss for multi iron and ultra triathlon.