Help! I'm stuck

Thanks Phil for the suggestion :slight_smile: .

I use the TR ramp-test generated FTP primarily as a measure of progress and a number I can use to anchor my workouts properly to have the intended effect to (hopefully) continue improving.

I know FTP is supposed to reflect the power level which you can sustain for an hour.
I also know that FTP tests (ramp, 8 minute, 20 minute) are estimates. For some it overestimates, for others it underestimates, for some it is spot on. I don’t know where I fall, however I’ve been using it for the last 16 months for measuring progress and anchoring my training.

I don’t use it for ego, just a measure of progress as that is what I care most about.

I initiated this post originally because my progress (ie this number and how I felt riding) was stalling and was looking for guidance to break through. Following SSB HV 1&2, it finally moved up again, and I felt better than ever doing a ramp test, which to me means I progressed on a number of other areas, aside from that number. Given several folks here provided suggestions and recommendations, I wanted to make sure I close the loop on the result.