Hello I have just fractured my femur

Yep, looks pretty similar to mine in location and the hardware used ( comminuted intertrochanteric fracture of the femoral neck )

I was told not to run for 2 years, and I was 7 months 50% weight bearing.

The first jogging steps were agony, and it was years of imbalances to deal with ( to date I have a 44-46 / 54-56 Left / right balance on my PMs ) but I did eventually start walking with no limp, running with relatively little pain, and became a faster athlete than I was pre-fracture.

I’m not super fast but I did qualify for and run the boston marathon, went 16:42 in a 5k, while going sub 20 was a pipe dream before my fracture.

It all depends on how you heal, and the work you are ready to put in. Cycling is great rehab but only does half the job.

I found skipping rope, and attempting to do it one footed was eye opening, frustrating, but over time one of the best things I could do to get fast some of the last stages of recovery.

AS said, listen to the docs, have a good physio and work with them.