FTP loss during SSB1

Based on what they said on the podcast around the ramp test announcement, I think they decided to de-emphasize the 2x8 and 20 minute FTP tests due to extreme noncompliance. Put another way, they are comparing the ramp test against the accuracy of people who skipped the old tests and just estimated their change in fitness by feel. Compared to that, I bet the ramp test plus adjusting by feel is going to be really good.

If you’re willing to do the 2x8 or 20 tests, I’d expect them to be more accurate (and I bet it varies by discipline, with time trialists, and triathletes like myself, getting the most useful number with the 20 minute test). However, I think changing the test you’re doing based on what you think will give you the highest number for the upcoming training block is the wrong way to look at it: you want to balance repeatability / comparison over time, which would point strongly toward doing the same test every time, vs. a test that reflects how you’ll handle the upcoming block. So if you’re willing to do that…

  1. Do the 20 minute test at the start of SSB 1, because you want to know what sorts of efforts you can hold for longer periods of time.

  2. Do the 20 minute test at the start of SSB 2, or possibly the ramp test, because you will mostly be doing sweet spot intervals, and the plan will help you build up how long you can hold harder, 120-125% efforts.

  3. Consider the 20 minute test, the 2x8 minute test, or the ramp test at the start of your build phase, depending on what sort of efforts you’ll be doing (vo2max intervals will probably show up, and you want to be able to do them).

And if you start to dread the FTP tests (which it sounded like a lot of very good, fit cyclists end up doing!), then consider the ramp test and be willing to adjust to taste. :slight_smile:

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