Feb 25th Podcast


I expect based on that lesson, we will likely not get any new “promises” of any specific feature or even a whisper of a hint of a timeline, in the future.

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Did they?

All this heat is probably not great… I think they will show a working version with expected launch when the apps are ready (out of beta).

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My day job is technical sales (to engineers). I’ve been taught from the beginning (30 yrs ago) to not promise future features in order to close a deal, for several obvious (what if we fail to deliver on the promise) and not-so-obvious (side deal) reasons.

Discussing futures is ok in 1-1 situations, and then I hammer on ‘buy only what we have now, I can’t promise if or when we will release’ and sometimes even write it into the contract!

This isn’t 1-1, it is 1-to-many and impossible to manage expectations. So yeah, in this situation it really is better to not say anything because it will only cause problems.

Looking forward to the announcement :smile:


You apparently have never work with government contractors… :sob:


Thing one? Or one more thing?

And I can attest @bbarrera delivers :slight_smile:

Very true on gov’t and quasi-govt especially when a bidding process is in place. Have to show you can comply - even if you cant or don’t know how yet.

This is probably one of the most know cases…

Hope the team was happy! (to be clear - our engineers delivered - I’m just the biz guy)

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Guess I’ll cross him off the list of future employers!

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Here’s some topical stuff on gov contracts with tech firms, I can attest the registration process for a vaccine is disastrous

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Thank you for saying this. The Ask A Cycling Coach Podcast IS NOT ‘MAURY’ :roll_eyes::rofl:


I’ve been watching the Expanse during my workouts the past few weeks and that’s EXACTLY what I was thinking!



Thats my current show… On S2E06 I think!


i think @mcneese.chad got insider information a while ago and the thing tomorrow will go in this direction:


The Terminator was from 2029, so maybe we get Plan Builder from the future!


This is what we’re all hoping for. Sadly, I’m afraid some things may be just too much to ask.


s4e03 for me this morning during Homers Nose -1 (recovery week!)


Call it n=2. I actually switched away from SSBHV as it seemed like it never stressed my system. I would say it’s a side effect of ramp test variation of calculated vs actual FTP, but O/Us still are oh so unpleasant; if it were simply that my FTP were way off, O/Us would be less awful.