Feature Request: Weekend Free Training Plan Option for Plan Builder

Hi - hopefully I haven’t missed a more recent relevant thread, but this was the closest I could find to my query.

Is this still the best guess at how to generate a plan like this?

I want to end up with my two ‘key’ workouts on Tu/Th, 60-75 mins long, and then an option for a third one at 90-120 mins on Saturday (which would often be replaced with a drop ride or other event-specific intensity day). Then I’ll ideally add z2 indoors on Weds and outdoors on Sun as often as life/recovery allows.

So far my best idea has been to choose LV in plan builder and then swap the days around so the key workouts are Tu/Th and the other one is Saturday. Trouble is it’s usually going to require me to use ‘Alternates’ to shorten one of those weekday workouts, and then by the time I get into Base II it’s not even always clear which two are the key workouts. The MV with ‘C’ events method described in this thread seems more complete though I think?